Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Hello Kitty



  1. A lovely evening and Justin looks great as a K-Boper having fun. Hoping Mom and Sis are nice if they get to se him.

    1. I'm sure they will see him, with that music blaring there is no way they can miss him...

  2. I am sure that Justin's little sister will be happy to have a big sister to play Hello Kitty games with, his mother should be happy with the fact, that she now have two daughters to help her with the housework. So the question is, how will his father react? Now he won't have a son to watch the football matches with on the tele and will he accept that Justin is now Justine. That is the question of to be or not to be.

    1. I guess we will have to wait and see how this plays out...

  3. Looks like Justine will be enrolled in the dance class too.

  4. Part of him, was jealous, that his sister, do both be pretty, and be a tomboy. But if he did did that it was another thing. So he hide the fact, that he played dress up. Thou he wished he could it more. It seem that he got his wish. But is it what he wanted.
